But this post is about Markus.
Originally a swimmer, his progression in the last 4 years made swimming to his weakness.
Well he wasn't born for swimming anyway!:) (maybe I'll come back to that later;) )
He became a decent runner and always was a very "special" cyclist.
Special as..hm.. well, imagine a bowl, throw in some big legs, good aero position, great aerobic base and threshold, mix it with big training volume and then spice it up with poor bike handling skills, and fear of curves. And what do you get, well something strange that's for sure! He could hammer away from the peloton on every straight road but would get caught in every corner.^^
So maybe Hawaii is something for him.. we'll see in the next years:)
But what makes him Mr. 100% is that no matter what is on his training plan he does it 100%. Although sometimes it could be wiser to listen to your body,
not listening to it at all will get you the training volume you need for making big progress.
I am really looking forward to our trainingscamp in Mallorca (17.2.-2.3) where we hopefully get some big miles on the bike done. Not as much as he did last year with Matthias (2000km in 2weeks) but sufficient.
That is enough for one post, a lot more to follow!
This was only a scratch on the surface of this really nice and colourful guy!
Have a nice day!

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