And well, of course I bought them.
I am not sayins all promises about saving x-watts with them are complete BS but the orthopedic advantages made more sense to me and finally led me to trying them out. If I get a wattage gain as well I won't say no to it.
Fitting was no problem, I installed only the small ring to have a round big ring for constant comparison.
It was about 0° C outside so I decided to take them for a 10minute spin and finish the session at home on the rollers.
First impression:
Really weird:D
Not in a bad way. It felt somewhat pretty choppy but at the same time I had the feeling of beeing able to put constantly more power on the pedals. My Cadence went slightly up (+5)and I had the urge of riding much faster. Which was concerning the temperature and the cold wind not the best intuitive move.
Back home on the rollers they felt even more choppy. Maybe the indoor trainer added to this feeling.
My knees felt pretty good so I will continue the experiment
I have been riding them for 2 weeks now and will report back in the next days.
All infos about the q-rings and how they work on
Rotor USA
have a nice day
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