Thursday, April 16, 2009

So much for Plan B...

Long no hear from me, and long time no train for me as well^^
I had some heart problems in the last past weeks. These kind of thinks really wake you up. It started with some sort of pressure in the chest region accompanied by shortness of breath. While these two things took place, my heart found it the right time to introduce a new beating rythm. It changes from beating super strong to very weak, from fast to slow pretty much at will. It came from time to time. Mostly when resting or after a workout. Those things really alarm you, I tell ya. So I went to see the doctors. Well it appears that my blood-pressure is a little bit to high at 140/80. So far so good, but is that all that is behind my problems? The doctors still can't outrule a myocarditis. So I still have to wait with any demanding activity. The heart-echo was ok, the rest-EKG as well, at the moment I am waiting for the Results of the longterm EKG and blood-tests. They prescribed me some betablockers, but hey I don't want to swallow pills for ever..
Back to triathlon..
That's for Triathlon so far. If it turns out that everything but the blood-pressure is fine, I still don't think I will really race this season again. Maybe I'll do one at the end of the year for fun..
The most frustrating part is that I haven't trained for eight weeks and I still have no idea what all that is about.
Hope to have better news next time!


maybe I should rename the blog..

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